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Leddrede, why is further proof of what we already know so worrying? Far greater concern is the deluded group think around 'the global energy transition' and the ill considered, inflationary and ineffective way it's being approached.
24th Jul 2024 20:04:59 
Climate change is real, to some extent, though the cause is not proven. Making cabbies buy electric taxis is delusional and inflationary.
Airports are an outlier. Entirely correct that if you behave like a security threat inside an airport then security properly fucks you up. Good kicking from the police is the least you should expect, provided you are indeed posing a genuine threat. Lucky they didn't get tazed or shot. Plenty of other places to act like a prick.
24th Jul 2024 19:58:01 
Fuck around in an airport, find out.
RiP, John Mayall.
24th Jul 2024 19:50:14 
Ex - The home of WU
Surprised AAH isnโ€™t in the Iraq squad
24th Jul 2024 19:43:47 
Ex - The home of WU
Let's hope it warms up soon,save on them expensive net zero energy bills
24th Jul 2024 18:36:59 
Ex - The home of WU
I'd say the most worrying news of the day is the covering up of the stabbed soldier being clased as mental health rather than the terrorist attack that it clearly is.
24th Jul 2024 18:36:27 
Ex - The home of WU
I see Toby Sibbick has been signed by Wigan, thereby rescuing him from Scottish football ๐Ÿ˜€
24th Jul 2024 18:27:40 
Ex - The home of WU
The most worrying news of the day: [Link]
24th Jul 2024 18:27:35 
Ex - The home of WU
Olympic football that should be
24th Jul 2024 18:19:49 
Ex - The home of WU
Iraq vs Ukraine on Eurosport now frogs vs yanks later moly-if football already
24th Jul 2024 18:19:17 
Ex - The home of WU
goal disallowed scotty
24th Jul 2024 17:55:41 
Ex - The home of WU
Argentina v Morocco suspended after Argentina equalised in the 16th minute (!) of additional time. Apparently still 3 minutes to go and will be played behind closed doors.
24th Jul 2024 17:30:18 
Ex - The home of WU
He was okay defensively; still learning. To be honest, if we play wing backs I want them to be attacking (hate what can be five at the back) so he's being given the opportunity to try a role. In that formation the only other option is as a striker. Not my favoured position for him and we already have four. Wide on both sides is where I'm most concerned about this team. It needs the like's of Sasu to take the chance.
24th Jul 2024 17:19:01 
Ex - The home of WU
BTW was reading our OS, the South London Press, about Jackson talking about how Sasu played as wing-back. Why on earth are we playing an inexperienced winger/forward as a wing-back against a vastly superior side. Isn't that asking for disaster?
24th Jul 2024 16:53:13 
For those who went did Sasu do okay in the WB role and do I need to eat humble pie to JJ?
In the 45 years since Thatcher got in we have had a Conservative Prime Minister for 32 of them (70% of time). So any bias from the BBC is clearly ineffectual in backing either Labour or the left. Anyone with a working brain cell would see that BBC ,as it is, does not harm the Tories. In fact the biggest enemy to the Tories is the Tory Party itself
24th Jul 2024 16:49:45 
Of course the righties on here would rather blame anyone else than the Tories for the fact we now have a Labour Govt.
It wasn't pdf that put me off but IEA, although as IEA documents go (they were Truss's biggest backers) it is actually only marginally biased against the BBC. A few valid points, but some idiotic ideas, for example, about Thought For The Day (Christians are just too demanding about camels and eyes of needles apparently).
24th Jul 2024 16:41:59 
Ex - The home of WU
[Link] this is a pretty decent read on the BBC bias debate. It's a pdf download, so that's not your thing then don't click on it. It's from the IEA
24th Jul 2024 16:26:52 
Ex - The home of WU
Mind wouldn't be surprised if there are riots after the video circulation
24th Jul 2024 16:24:00 
Ex - The home of WU
Postman,good policing if you don't comply to police orders a kick and stamp might make others comply next time
24th Jul 2024 16:22:12 
Good old fashioned policing
Spit you'll never know, they don't talk about things like that...๐Ÿ˜†
24th Jul 2024 16:17:32 
Ex - The home of WU
Oh dear not going to well at Manchester airport on social sites
24th Jul 2024 16:07:30 
Ex - The home of WU
Wonder how much that cost for the review on club communication ๐Ÿค”
24th Jul 2024 16:07:24 
Ex - The home of WU
Bring back corona bottles
24th Jul 2024 15:01:51 
Ex - The home of WU
Itโ€™s a marathon not a snickers
24th Jul 2024 14:50:50 
Ex - The home of WU
They definitely will KD, but good for people to pace themselves as it looks like a long road.
24th Jul 2024 14:46:43 
Ex - The home of WU