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Trying to buy the season membership and getting this error message, even though the membership is the only item in the cart: "Your cart contains products that can not be purchased together. Please remove some and proceed to multiple purchases."
25th Jul 2024 09:03:18 
Wonder if it's because I have an existing DT membership...
meadow 00:03 and that's the biggest problem with it. There's no how do we make it possible for people to still just exist. It's you will stop doing these things and how that works is your problem. Then anger that people don't just stop.
25th Jul 2024 08:33:00 
Personally I blame this being the age of "raising awareness" (aka shouting at other people to make you feel big) for this. The days when someone actually had to come up with a solution seem gone.
Hash - interesting view you take - have a look here - [Link]
25th Jul 2024 08:10:12 
Ex - The home of WU
Spit those are holiday flights, they are ,ABC therapy sessions at their retreat. Tuning into their meditationary zones and body wellbeing systems
25th Jul 2024 06:55:56 
Or Drum and base, doing poppers on Ibiza as it is better known
Port Vale seem to be spending loads of money. Clearly unsustainable and will obviously all come crashing back down to earth but they should be good for a couple of years I imagine.
25th Jul 2024 06:32:51 
Must be shoe in for top 3
Ben Heneghan signs for Port Vale on a 2yr deal.
25th Jul 2024 02:58:52 
Ex - The home of WU
Of course I might believe it more if those that preach didn't go on holiday flights. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ plenty of them ain't there๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
25th Jul 2024 00:12:33 
Live yor life and enjoy it. Don't preach if you ain't going to follow the cult:-)
OI - I was out when the announced the goal was disallowed. The suggestion is the VAR decision came 90 minutes after the goal was scored. Must be a record!
25th Jul 2024 00:03:54 
Ex - The home of WU
I'd love to do more to promote climate change but whilst late night TFL connections fail to work, I'll drive. 35 minutes drive from Honor Oak to home versus 1hr 10 via Croydon including a 15 minute wait at Church Street. That said, I do drive a hybrid car so petrol consumption is quite low.
25th Jul 2024 00:03:43 
Ex - The home of WU
Body parts found in rosehill park[Link]
24th Jul 2024 23:44:45 
Ex - The home of WU
Climate change denial is a very well-funded industry.
24th Jul 2024 23:33:30 
Ex - The home of WU
Double.diamond party 7 ,had a taste as a kid, no likey ,stuck with the chocolate liqueur, not the gin one that a ladies drink๐Ÿ˜‚
24th Jul 2024 23:19:29 
Ex - The home of WU
Don't worry postman there was plenty of people in the 70s saying that the world would end ,in 10 years.40 odd years later people still belive the expensive scam๐Ÿ˜‚
24th Jul 2024 22:47:26 
Ex - The home of WU
We need to tackle all areas of climate action. Apart from anything else, renewables give us energy security and the likelihood of cheaper energy and potential technical advances for green industry even if we've missed out on wind turbines and probably solar panels. So we need targets to continue carbon reduction, they may well be missed but there is no point in having targets that are easily achievable (to bring it back to football, who would be happy with a target that said we were aiming to avoid relegation?)
24th Jul 2024 21:47:58 
my point was that we are doing better than some
OI, your point about carbon reduction is reasonably balanced but it reads like you've spectacularly missed the point. Water and food security being primary areas for 'climate investment' if we're being rational, rather than VRE or minute adjustments in the smaller economies that can afford them. Top marks to anyone who can quote the UK's percentage contribution to global carbon emissions. Portugal, ahaha.
24th Jul 2024 21:32:45 
But you're a Gruaniadista so quelle surprise :)
We need party 7s to come back and get transported back to the 70s
24th Jul 2024 21:17:55 
Ex - The home of WU
Lucky we need water to survive so we should be pleased if water levels rise a foot or two and flood several countries and a significant part of the UK.
24th Jul 2024 20:53:00 
Ex - The home of WU
Lucky we need carbon dioxide to survive. And plants and trees thrive ๐Ÿ˜‚
24th Jul 2024 20:41:29 
Ex - The home of WU
Whilst all countries need to take carbon reduction seriously, we are actually doing reasonably well compared to others. Only Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and France are doing better amongst 'first world' countries for carbon emission per capita. No excuse for resting on our laurels but also we shouldn't be beating ourselves up too much. Oil producers (including USA) and Australia are amongst the worst.
24th Jul 2024 20:34:30 
2022 figures
Carshalton, I think Ali is still recovering from surgery.
24th Jul 2024 20:14:11 
Ex - The home of WU
RIP John Mayall, atrue groundbreaker of the blues in the UK
24th Jul 2024 20:05:57 
Ex - The home of WU
Leddrede, why is further proof of what we already know so worrying? Far greater concern is the deluded group think around 'the global energy transition' and the ill considered, inflationary and ineffective way it's being approached.
24th Jul 2024 20:04:59 
Climate change is real, to some extent, though the cause is not proven. Making cabbies buy electric taxis is delusional and inflationary.
Airports are an outlier. Entirely correct that if you behave like a security threat inside an airport then security properly fucks you up. Good kicking from the police is the least you should expect, provided you are indeed posing a genuine threat. Lucky they didn't get tazed or shot. Plenty of other places to act like a prick.
24th Jul 2024 19:58:01 
Fuck around in an airport, find out.
RiP, John Mayall.
24th Jul 2024 19:50:14 
Ex - The home of WU
Surprised AAH isnโ€™t in the Iraq squad
24th Jul 2024 19:43:47 
Ex - The home of WU