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The Standard story mentions TFL's big expansion of electric buses, people buying electric cars regardless of ULEZ, the increase of cycling, and the phase-out of diesel taxis. All will have improved air quality.
26th Jul 2024 09:49:41 
Not that ULEZ is about air quality, suckers
Probably took readings in the countryside in biggin hill😂
26th Jul 2024 09:44:37 
Ex - The home of WU
Lurker- they have no way of attributing what caused the figures.
26th Jul 2024 09:42:43 
Ex - The home of WU
Not sure that report proves anything about ULEZ expansion. By its own admission, it's impossible to "isolate the impact of the ULEZ and its expansion".
26th Jul 2024 09:42:34 
Ex - The home of WU
Lol, usual doctored results. Apparently he want to serve 6 terms ,so 16 more years of ruining London!
26th Jul 2024 09:41:48 
Traffic gridlocked central London,TFL and khan not fit to run a bath:-)
So it's better than fuck all is what they're saying. (As in the levels were 2.7% expected and 4.4% actual - which is what the article says).
26th Jul 2024 09:37:08 
Ex - The home of WU
OI wasn't that expected level the one where their own report said something about it was so negligible that everyone in London would need to live to 110 to see even an extra day of life from it?
26th Jul 2024 09:34:39 
Ex - The home of WU
They will just say that's fake news OI.
26th Jul 2024 09:24:19 
Some Tufton Street think tank will release an article disputing the findings.
In NFL, teams used to play 16 matches. They now play 17, so supporters still get 8 regular season home games.
26th Jul 2024 09:19:08 
As for baseball, losing a couple of games out of 80 isn’t such a big deal. Khan is still a ****.
26th Jul 2024 09:15:13 
may raise some people's blood pressure
Yeah butt out of our metropolis Padds!
26th Jul 2024 08:32:44 
Oh hang on. I live in Surrey
I didn't know I hated him until I saw him at Plough Lane. Heartsinking.
26th Jul 2024 08:22:21 
I think the idea of a London mayor is idiotic but then it's been none of my business for forty years.
This quote from Khan sums it up nicely "“Liverpool, the club I support as Mayor of London, are currently on tour in America,”"
26th Jul 2024 07:51:23 
Ex - The home of WU
The EPL big 6 fans made it clear they're not having it taken away from English football, I can't see the other sides agreeing. (Let's be honest it will be the sides with the big selling names playing there so will just keep the likes of Man Cheaty rolling in it). Worth remembering our chances of big money come from EPL clubs spending cash on our current or former players. We really need them to stay around.
26th Jul 2024 07:49:48 
Ex - The home of WU
so when it's rich people's play things he's in favour of pollution (they're not travelling by fucking boat are they) just the peasants who need to shut up and stop doing anything.
26th Jul 2024 07:45:51 
Man's a bullshitting arsehole
The major difference between the NFL and the EPL is that the NFL understands that the best way to do business is to ensure parity as much as possible. Having the owner with the most money does not guarantee endless success like with Man City. The two dominant teams have come from the best generational QB - Brady and Mahomes - but even they do not win by default. Teams like Detroit can be terrible for years but can then make the playoffs and even win the title if they get the right Head Coach.
26th Jul 2024 07:12:42 
In the EPL other teams may find their Mahomes but you can be sure City would buy him to win their twentieth title in a row.
NFL "fans" are pretty apathetic. Years of being beaten down, has them brainwashed accepting that sport is a business. Mostly they watch the game in bars, and pay little attention to the game.
26th Jul 2024 03:17:55 
Jerry World
Khan may be a slippery wee wanker-cunt but the English Premier League is mahooooosive. Do NFL fans bemoan the games played in London? Or ditto the Major League Baseball fans?
25th Jul 2024 22:28:08 
Maybe, but they are rightly ignored
Khan is a piece of 💩.
25th Jul 2024 22:21:28 
Ex - The home of WU
Agreed totally, Hash. As long as it all stops there though.
25th Jul 2024 21:33:30 
Ex - The home of WU
Eddy- The Americans have to have 14 clubs to overrule the rest, don't they. It's getting very close now.
25th Jul 2024 21:31:32 
Ex - The home of WU
To be honest I wouldn't mind if the premier league circus fucked off with their super league and franchise model. Why stop at the states....have games in Jeddah, Beijing etc too. It'll be a shock short term but in the medium to long term might be a leveller for the proper football pyramid.
25th Jul 2024 20:59:10 
Fuck off and take the armchair fans and tourists with you
The MP for Clacton has already had a freebie up Trump Towers.
25th Jul 2024 20:49:50 
Ex - The home of WU
Obviously sees a freebie and staycation in Trump Towers
25th Jul 2024 20:38:26 
Ex - The home of WU
Terrible idea all them fans and teams on ✈️✈️✈️✈️, is he trying to kill the planet🤔
25th Jul 2024 20:26:35 
Ex - The home of WU