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I sat next to the Pig and Kwesi on the way back from Frankfurt once
26th Jul 2024 18:27:03 
Ex - The home of WU
It must have been nice for him to travel over with someone who appreciated who he was too, Trig.
26th Jul 2024 18:20:34 
Ex - The home of WU
And as for Postie’s post - another 2-5 defeat.
26th Jul 2024 17:57:48 
Ex - The home of WU
Yep honeymoon in Italy got back 3am Monday morning then left for LA (for work) 10am and got back yesterday afternoon. Not going to the Charlton friendly 😊
26th Jul 2024 17:54:02 
Ex - The home of WU
Thought you were in Italy
26th Jul 2024 17:48:39 
Ex - The home of WU
Sat next to Rai Benjamin on my flight home from LA yesterday. He’s off to compete in the Olympics. Second fastest man in history over 400m hurdles and wants gold this time out. Thoroughly decent young man very humble and was happy to give up his time and chat with any of the passing passengers who knew who he was or noticed his US Olympics team hoodie.
26th Jul 2024 17:47:56 
Good luck to him.
Two teams, one with A Trialist, ref was rubbish, we should have scored, piggy was unlucky, JJ learnt something from the game, cost to much for what it was, we need a left back or two... anything else ?
26th Jul 2024 17:03:13 
Ex - The home of WU
Ok,prediction for Tom game
26th Jul 2024 16:55:34 
Ex - The home of WU
Have all the old bores gone home yet? I’d rather discuss the Olympic opening ceremony than monetary policy and both can be equally dull
26th Jul 2024 16:42:33 
Ex - The home of WU
Indeed, but the Bank of England has the independence to enact monetary polices it sees fit to meet its objectives. QE is one such Bank of England monetary policy. So it's not correct for Leftred to suggest QE was/is a Tory tax policy to make rich matey more wealthy.
26th Jul 2024 16:41:19 
Ex - The home of WU
Administered KD, the government could have stopped it any point because it was not an interest rate decision, the only decisions that the Chancellor cannot interfere with. I'm not sure which bit of "a mandate to support the economic policies of the government of the day" escaped you?
26th Jul 2024 16:35:09 
Ex - The home of WU
Thank you for confirming QE is Bank of England, old fruit. It should also be pointed out QE is a BoE monetary policy and not a governmental fiscal policy.
26th Jul 2024 16:31:03 
Ex - The home of WU
We need some Christmas spirit - promotion (or was it relegation?) will be confirmed by then!
26th Jul 2024 16:27:36 
Ex - The home of WU
Jape Of The Century
I love how “wholly” turned everything all Christmassy… 🎄🎅🏻
26th Jul 2024 16:25:20 
Ex - The home of WU
Jape Of The Century
Actually the independence of the Bank of England is to set interest rates. In 1998 it became an independent public organisation, wholly owned by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of the government, with a mandate to support the economic policies of the government of the day. QE was administered by the BoE but basically fitted with the policies of the governemt. Most BoE decisions will now be based on Reeves' policies, which may worry or enthuse you.
26th Jul 2024 16:20:22 
Ex - The home of WU
Leftred - QE is Bank of England. When a central bank invokes a policy that inflates asset prices, those with assets will be better off. Not much can be done about that.
26th Jul 2024 15:32:23 
Not even the politics of envy ;-)
Martin Edwards of the post office getting properly duffed up
26th Jul 2024 15:31:28 
Lying cunt
The previous government preferred that money go to the already super rich and raised taxes to pay for it.
26th Jul 2024 15:21:29 
Quantitative easing.
Tell me about it. Need an IT consultant to order a card from Moonpig these days. Does my head in.
26th Jul 2024 14:19:56 
wonder if heaven and hell still do £:s:d, Lbs & oz, gallons & plnts, Imperial measurements etc etc, or have they sold out to microsoft as well?
I have Cpt. Louis Renault levels of shock that Labour will give above-inflation pay rises to their voters who suckle on the state teat, and will raise taxes to pay for it [Link]
26th Jul 2024 13:28:44 
Shocked, shocked
The sensible ones.
26th Jul 2024 13:24:47 
Ex - The home of WU
The really poor working class people don't live in this country. Which political parties wants to slash aid to these people?
26th Jul 2024 13:07:16 
Upvote to OI @ 11:14:04.
OI I don’t think a lot of people on here are modern internet users
26th Jul 2024 12:41:29 
Ex - The home of WU
Lurker - guess I'm not internet ready then.
26th Jul 2024 12:10:26 
Ex - The home of WU
CW - To be honest Ranulph Fiennes set such a high bar on that kind of stuff that it weirdly doesn't seem as bad. [Link]
26th Jul 2024 11:38:15 
Ex - The home of WU